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Sons of Confederate Veterans
Vehicle License Plates

At the 2005 MS Division, SCV, convention, the Division renewed its pledge to preserve/conserve MS's original Confederate Battle flags. Show your support for your Division and our Flags by purchasing a Mississippi Sons of Confederate Veterans "vanity" car or motorcycle tag today (if you haven't already done so)! If you've already done so, please continue to purchase the tags when tag replacement time rolls around!
When you purchase a MS SCV car or motorcycle tag, $26 of your purchase price comes directly to the MS Division. The majority of these funds are used for the restoration of the original MS Confederate Battle flags in the Old Capitol Collection in Jackson. The remainder being used to fight heritage violations.
The Mississippi division has to date restored nine original MS Confederate Battle flags and two more are in process, at a total cost of approximately $100,000! Thus conserved, these flags should now last for at least two-hundred more years! What a gesture to our noble Confederate grandsires!
A sampling of conserved flags are beautifully framed, then put on display at the Old Capitol (3rd Floor) and Beauvoir (Museum). According to the Department of Archives and History, many more will be displayed in the new Museum of Mississippi History currently under construction and scheduled to open during our state's bicentennial in December of 2017
Restoration of these storied emblems is exceedingly expensive, with typical conservation costs ranging from $3,000 to $27,000 per flag. This vital work is done by hand, using the latest methodologies and state-of-the-art materials. One of the finest conservation services in the nation performs all the work in-house in West Virginia.
If not conserved, these most-precious artifacts of our history -- the very "colors" that our Patriot forebears fought and died under -- will simply crumble into dust. We can't let that happen!
Anyone can buy a MS SCV car or motorcycle tag! You need not be a Member of the Division! You don't have to show a Membership card or any other SCV identification. Ask friends, family, and co-workers to buy one today and, thus, help preserve a little bit of MS's proud history! Make your family fleet of vehicles an "all SCV" fleet!
To purchase a tag, simply go to your county tag office and request a MS Sons of Confederate Veterans tag! Take your present tag, fill out the forms, write a check, and affix your SCV tag to your vehicle, showing all who see your car/truck/motorcycle that you are a Mississippian who cares about your "Heritage of Honor"!
Note: Some tag offices do not have the SCV car tag on display, but it is available. You might respectfully request that your local office display the tag in their tag displays, so that other folks can become aware of its availability for purchase. Make sure that tag office personnel know that anyone can purchase the tag, not just SCV Members!
If you have any problems obtaining a MS SCV tag or employees claim that they can't get such tags, immediately contact the MS State Tax Commission, register a gentlemanly complaint, and respectfully request that the State Tax Commission make your local tag office comply with State law and procure a MS SCV tag for you.
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