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Division Dues
Requirements and Dates
All Members are required to pay applicable International and Division dues, as approved by the respective Conventions. International Annual Dues are currently $35.00 and Mississippi Division Annual Dues are $10.00.
The fiscal year of both the International Organization and the Mississippi Division is from August 01 through July 31 of the following calendar year. International and Division dues are payable on August 1. A grace period of 30 days is granted.
All dues are required to be paid in full no later than August 31. Any Member whose dues have not been received by August 31 shall be considered delinquent.
Some members are exempt from paying certain, but not all, annual dues
(1) Life Membership in the International Organization exempts one from paying annual dues to the International Organization but does not exempt that member from paying annual Mississippi Division dues nor annual Camp dues.
(2) Life Membership in the Mississippi Division exempts one from paying annual dues to the Mississippi Division but does not exempt that member from paying annualInternational dues nor annual Camp dues.
(3) Real Sons are exempt from paying both International and Division annual dues and may be exempted from paying Camp dues in accordance with the respective camp’s policy.
To assure that your Compatriots receive the next issue of Confederate Veteran and of Jeff Davis Legion please be sure that dues are paid promptly.
International Dues
In the second half of the fiscal year International dues can be prorated for new members only. However, this prorated dues option is only available when the member pays dues for both the current and next fiscal years. There is not an option to pay only the partial dues for remainder of the current fiscal year.
If someone joins in February, March, or April 2021 (which is the 3rd quarter of the fiscal year) he can pay his current $35 annual dues plus the $5 processing fee or he has the option to pay an additional $17.50 to initially join for both the current fiscal year as well as the next fiscal year, meaning his dues will be paid through July 31, 2022.
Amount paid Membership expires Or About
$40.00 July 31, 2021 $6.66 a month
$57.50 July 31, 2022 $3.19 a month
If someone joins in May, June or July 2021 (which is the 4th quarter of the fiscal year) he can pay the current annual dues amount of $35 plus the $5 processing fee or he has the option to pay an additional $8.75 to initially join for both the current fiscal year as well as the next fiscal year, meaning his dues will be paid through July 31, 2010.
Amount paid Membership expires Or About
$40.00 July 31, 2009 $13.33 a month
$48.75 July 31, 2022 $2.71 a month
International Dues along with a roster, application or letter showing whose dues the remittance is paying must be sent to:
Sons of Confederate Veterans
P O Box 59, Columbia, TN 38402-0059
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